Lance Lorenzo

Instrument: Tenor
# of years playing sax: 7
Favorite note(s) to play on your sax: low G and below
Crappiest note to play on your sax high C and above

Whats your favorite ice cream flavor?
(french) vanilla

Whats your favorite pot luck food at the football games?
meat (teriyaki, grilled, etc of beef, pork, chicken)

What's your favorite saxual position?
carrying with both hands with the firmest grip in any position.

How many vehicles constitute a tailgate party?
the more the merrier (not limited)

Whats the weirdest place you ever enjoyed sax?
in the bathroom (great sound)

Is sax better with a partner or flying solo? How do you feel about group sax?
better with a partner because it takes two to tango. group sax is great because it's good to experience with a variety.

Will we win a football game this year on our own or by divine intervention? Why?
I don't even think a divine intervention will help us win a game... gut feeling.