DATE:   July 14, 2002  
LOCATION: The Sisters, Mt. Charleston, Nevada USA
WEATHER: cool, clear, slight rain
HIKERS: Daryn Ohta, Grant Tokumi, Captain, Corporal

write-up by Daryn Ohta

A view of Mack's Peak from the ridge leading up to the South Sister.

A view of our first conquest, the South Sister

Getting closer...

Daryn checking out Lee Canyon

Before the ascent to the South Sister, we meet the "Captain"

Daryn resting on the peak of the South Sister, checking out the North Sister and showing his relief that the storm wasn't heading our way

Daryn pointing to the awesome view of Mack's Peak

Along the way, we had to pass through a couple of cool arches

The Mummy Mountains

Grant hiking in the saddle between the Sisters. Check out the loose rock under his feet.

Our second conquest, the North Sister

Mack's Peak

Daryn checking to see if he's afraid of heights

We made it! Cruising on the North Sister w/ the "Corporal", the "Captain", and Grant

Taking one last look at the South Sister before we head down

The final descent through the Toiyabe Forest

It was a near perfect day for a hike. It was slightly overcast and cool. The only thing was that there was a passing electrical storm and standing at the top of a mountain is the worst place to be. It was kind of scary to see lightning strike smaller peaks a few miles from us. This hike was a little difficult because it required a little climbing and it was hard to follow. The trail was about 7-8 miles long and it took us around 7 hours to complete. We lost the trail right off the bat and it took us a lithe time to find where we were supposed to go. Along the way, we met up with a couple of military guys, who we never got their names. We decided to slow down our pace and stay with them. It worked out pretty good because we kept them going with our extra water and food and they had much better directions of the trail than us.

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