DIY air pump silencer
Here's an awesome idea I found in the aquaria newsgroup to quiet up loud
pumps like the Tetra Luft. The noise was virtually eliminated when I
suspended the air pump in a bottle by its power cord. I drilled a 1 inch
diameter hole in the middle of the bottle cover to fit the power cord and
plug through it. Another smaller hole was drilled just long enough to
snuggly fit the air tubing through, and another hole just large enough to
fit a 3 - 4 inch length of 5/16" diameter rigid tubing. This pipe lets air into the
bottle for the pump to pump. The
most time consuming part is cutting and glueing two pieces of plastic
in a way so that it crimps the power cord and closes that 1 inch
hole. After this just make sure the pump doesn't touch the side wall
and you have yourself a very quiet air pump.